*Nearly 600,000 people are homeless in America (according to National Alliance to End Homelessness).
*Source: End Homelessness
*Depression is the leading cause of disability in the USA among ages 14-44.
*Source: National Network of Depression Center
*An estimated 238,340 of the population will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2023.
*1 in 16 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer their lifetime — 1 in 16 men & 1 in 17 women.
*Source: Lung Cancer Research Foundation
*Nearly 20 people per minute (on an average) suffer abuse by their partner, physically in the USA. This equates to 10 million people per year.
*Source: National Statistic Domestic Violence
*Heartbreaks are common — most people (over 80%) have had their hearts broken, at a point in their life.
*Source: Psychology Today
With these documented stats, it is only a fraction of the reason we are here.