An element of our mission is to increase awareness of the over-stigmatization of counseling, the dearth of representation, and the insufficiency of support services provided to individuals, multiracial and ethnic communities, and others.

Welcome, to our safe and comforting space.
We call it HOME! A home is where one makes it. We made it through the journey! It is here that we have found a haven bundled with the love and care of another. Through the journey of grief or trauma, filled with sorrow and despair, one may ask the question, “Why does Creator want me (us) to walk alone?”
The answer is: “We have the power to shape our destiny. Sometimes, our thinking process gets cloudy, not realizing we are Champions. HE wants us to stand on our own for a while to validate that Championship title. We are not perfect; it is okay to make mistakes. HE expects that we have learned from those mistakes.”
Whenever we have faced trials, tribulations, and failures, it is often the belief that “we are alone on the journey, and Creator has forsaken thee.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our Creator is always with us ─ even when others have forsaken us.
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15

Grief and feelings of brokenness are both normal and natural responses to trauma and loss. Though people often expect to grieve the death of a family member or friend, they share significant losses that trigger grief. Grieving such losses is important because it allows people to free up energy that is bound to the lost person, object, or experience. Until people grieve effectively, they are likely to find reinvesting difficult; a part of them remains tied to the past. Grieving is not forgetting. Nor is it drowning our sorrow in tears. Healthy grieving results in an ability to remember the importance of a loss, but with a newfound sense of peace rather than soaring pain. No two people are likely to experience grief in the same manner. The way people think and feel, the way their bodies function, and the way they interact with others may be affected. The broken person becomes an individual who suffers emotional and mental challenges that change their way of life; usually, this is a result of a traumatic experience.
Transformational Living Wellness Lifestyle ─ TLWL, Inc. is a support and resource community for anyone who has experienced a form of brokenness. Our establishment will introduce you to a new lifestyle. This lifestyle typically includes obtaining new vision, new goals, new cultural changes, and new ways of doing things. This type of change can be challenging, but well worth the work.
The reminder: “No one walks alone! When you suffer, we will suffer in unity. When you struggle, we will struggle as a whole. When you feel like you cannot go on, we will lift you up. No one should walk or suffer in silence. Just know that whatever those challenges are, we will stand up in unity.”
Everyone has a story to share ─ Let us embrace yours!
Transformational Living Wellness Lifestyle – TLWL, Inc. we are on a journey to provide wellness programs and services to individuals who have encountered brokenness. Experiences may occur from abuse, addiction, anxiety, depression, divorce, ex-military warriors, grief, homelessness, incarceration, mental illnesses, losses, trauma, police brutality, and the list goes on.